The last couple of years have been tough on all of us. Thankfully I have been in employment throughout, but my ‘day job’ does not provide the creativity that I seem to need to excite my soul, that’s where photography steps in. But I have found myself sinking into a negative space and lately I’m finding it all too easy to avoid opportunities for photography purely to allow myself some creative space ! So recently, my good friend Matt, who had become aware of my blue mood, thought a creative studio shoot with ZiggiFlame, an exciting and vibrant model, would help bump start my recovery!
I think all would agree that the day went better than expected, Ziggi had with her several outfits, and along with some makeup and hair changes allowed for several themes to develop, and before long several hours had flown by and it was dark outside!
We broke some rules, non of that formal lighting, non of that rules of thirds stuff, just see what happens when you run with something!
Music was also a feature of the day, as the studio was filled with a variety of music from very funky soul right though to some bluesy-prog-rock and back again, which in hindsight certainly added to the day!
Massive thanks to Matt and Ziggi!