I saw this lady, with her family on the beach and immediately I saw an image akin to Anthony Gormley’s Another Place sculpture on Crosby Beach. To get to the image I had in my mind, which summed up how I was feeling at that time, I dramatically over exposed the image in camera, with purpose, because she was silhouetted by the low sun, I wanted to bring out her details, and loose as much of the environment as possible but still retaining enough to show she was ‘Looking Out to Sea’, a couple of attempts in camera but this works for me.

Camera – Canon EOS M6 with an 85mm f/1.8 lens mounted with an EF/M adapter.
There's some odd light refection causing by the relative overexposure, the old lens, and shooting towards the sun, it's left some purple artefacts which technically detract from the image, and I probably could edit them out, if I wanted to, but I chose not to!