With the season changing towards Autumn and the shorter days I wanted to capture some early evening casual portraits. I contacted Leah, a model who I have worked with before at Rochester Studios, who agreed to help. So off to Ashdown Forest, less of a forest more of a moor with a few tree’s in clumps, with a promising weather forecast for some natural light sunset images all seemed good.
However, on route the heavens opened and I nearly called our met off! But I continued thought the rain storm to the meeting point and by the time I arrived the rain had just passed and it left an amazing rainbow was in the sky, which I grabbed a couple of shots off. Leah arrived, and we set off wandering around and capturing a couple of shots along the way.
But really the best bit was wandering around after a few weeks of work work work and mentally it was really refreshing to be outside trying to be creative with a like minded person!
I am really thankful for photography as it drives my creative outlet, it gets me out and I love meeting people and chatting about life and stuff, so for me out more than just an art form, it mentally and physically refreshing. Oh and as we were leaving the sky was beginning to explode into a riot of colour, so I hung around for a little while and captured some a couple of shots.